
Ooey, Gooey, Sticky Stuff

Welcome to Science Expeditions Extras! Dive deeper into your science kit’s theme and experiments. This month, learn a little extra about polymers.

Slime splotchSlime is not the only thing filled with polymers. Many things in the world are made out of polymers—from cars, buildings, and toys to food, clothes, and animals. You, too, are filled with polymers! Some polymers are naturally occurring like the wool of a sheep or the exoskeleton of a lobster. Other kinds of polymers are human-made like the rubber tires on a bike or a plastic grocery bag. Explore more about polymers by checking out the fun facts and photo gallery below!

checklist iconWhat Will You Need?

Gather the household items from the list below before you begin your experiments. Check off items as you go or print the list here. All other materials are included in your kit.

Sticky Science
 liquid laundry detergent OR contact lens solution
 warm water
baking soda
¼ measuring teaspoon
 small bowl
¼ measuring cup
 measuring tablespoon
 food coloring (optional)

Bouncy Ball
 hot water
 cup (large enough to hold bouncy ball mold)
 paper towel
sheet of paper

Fun Facts

One of the most natural polymers is your DNA! DNA is made of long chains of nucleotides, basic units that code your body’s genes.

Oobleck, the non-Newtonian substance made of cornstarch and water, was named after the sticky green substance found in the famous Dr. Seuss book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

Half of what makes a piece of wood is cellulose, a polymer that provides stiffness to the plant. Cellulose is what makes paper (which is made of wood) strong and structured.

Aunt Charlie’s Corner

Aunt Charlie’s Corner

Expert tips to complete this month’s science experiments!

slime icon Sticky Science: Slime

Watch this experiment!

  • Don’t forget to test your detergent before starting to make your slime. If your laundry detergent doesn’t work, try using contact lens solution instead.
  • Remember to stir quickly and thoroughly as you add detergent to your cup of glue.
  • Adding detergent in small increments to the glue mixture helps from oversaturating your slime and making it too soupy. You can always add more detergent, but can’t take it away!

slime icon Sticky Science: Oobleck