Day 1
Weddell Seal How-To Video
Day 2
Volcanoes How-To Video
Day 3
Elastic Force How-To Video
Day 4
Robots How-To Video
Day 5
Coral Reefs How-To Video
Full Camp Schedule
Print the camp schedule and check it frequently!
Science Walk
On your science walk, gather 5 differently colored rocks. Compare their texture, weight, and color. Do any have lines, holes, sharp sides, or other interesting features?
Science Walk
At different points on your science walk, stop and close your eyes. Pay close attention to the sounds you hear. Which sound was the loudest? The softest? The most pleasant?
Science Walk
On your science walk, pretend you’re discovering a new place. Name the areas you pass. For example, “the leafy gully.” Keep a lookout for unique creatures and plants to name, too!